What food does a child need to grow ?

A child’s growth is linked to its diet. If you want your children to be fit all the time, take care of their diet. However, there are a few foods that are best. In this article, we will show you the foods that must be included in children’s menus for their growth.

Children’s diet: vegetables and fruit

Vegetables contain vitamins, iron and fibre which are essential for children’s growth. You should therefore make sure that each child’s menu contains one of these nutrients. To teach them to love vegetables, you can create a small snack with carrots.

Fruit is rich in vitamin C and minerals and is very popular with children. You can serve them fruit juices or even raw fruit, which are very beneficial. Raw fruit can be served on a skewer, for example.

Children’s diet: fish, chicken and dairy products

Fish and chicken are sufficiently rich in protein for children to eat. Children should also eat fatty fish. They should also eat chicken, as it contains less fat.

Dairy products are rich in calcium, which is also a substance favourable to the growth of the child. Calcium ensures the growth of bones in children. This is why they should have at least three portions a day. You can also give them semi-skimmed milk.

Child’s diet: pasta, pulses, cereals and eggs

Generally, pasta, cereals and pulses provide energy, vitamins and other nutrients. They provide additional calories for the child’s development. Please add vegetables to starchy foods to balance the menu. To avoid mid-meal snacking, bread can be served with cheese. Don’t forget rice, which should also be well seasoned.

Eggs are also a complete food that is very good for a child’s growth. It is very rich in protein and can be prepared in various forms.

However, don’t forget that water has a special place in a child’s diet. To avoid sugary drinks, you should get your child used to drinking water from childhood.




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